Monday, January 22, 2007

I just realized I am "That guy"!!!

I am That Guy who fears nothing.
I am That Guy who you think about...but rarely call, just to say hi.
I am That Guy who carries ywo Cell Phones.
I am That Guy who will enter an "All You Can Eat" contest.
I am That Guy who has no censors.
I am That Guy who always gives 110% no matter what.
I am That Guy really like being alone.
I am That Guy that likes to color...alot!
I am That Guy when you say "oh my God, he didn't"...usually refers to me.
I am That Guy that has 119 Dr.'s Bags
I am That Guy who is terrible at returning phone calls.
I am That Guy will "Gay it up" for better service.
I am That Guy who is very selfish.
I am That Guy who can cook anything.
I am That Guy can disappear in a crowd.
I am That Guy lie than disappoint.
I am That Guy who internalizes way too much.
I am That Guy who doesn't believe in God.
I am That Guy leaves early.
I am That Guy shows up on time.
I am That Guy who owns leather pants.
I am That Guy wears size 16 pumps.
I am That Guy who can name any voice he hears in a commercial.
I am That Guy that read "Horton hears a who" at age 3.
I am That Guy who fucked up your curve in High School.
I am That Guy who did a lot of stuff in the past...with regrets.
I am That Guy who'll face death for my friends.
I am That Guy who is afraid of spiders.
I am That Guy you want your parents to meet.
I am That Guy you don't want to introduce to your sister.
I am That Guy you forget to call when you have an extra ticket to the Rev.
I am That Guy that doesn't understand bisexuality. Pick one dammit!
I am That Guy who laughs at innappropriate times.
I am That Guy who wants immigration reform.
I am That Guy who dislikes receiving oral sex.
I am That Guy who lost 2 girlfriends to "the other team".
I am That Guy who will spend his last dime making others happy.
I am That Guy who Southwest deems "Too Large for one seat".
I am That Guy who had a gambling problem.
I am That Guy who went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting at Sizzler.
I am That Guy who dated a 54 year old woman when I was 23.
I am That Guy who forged his roomates name on a check.
I am That Guy ...

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