Monday, June 05, 2006

God and Booze!!!

So last night we had a little cast party for all of us that were in Creepshow Peepshow - "The show so scary even the cast craps its pants!" I cooked mounds of beef and some of the best goddamned Potato Gratin I have ever put a scald on.

The Regulars showed up...and Pat & Gina we the ever-hospitable Hosts. Kingfish lagged and got there late...WITH ALL THE BOOZE!

Made me think...GAWD I have hot friends!!!

Monique - Amazon Hot!
Gina - Makes out with ya when she's drunk Hot!
Theresa - Married a Polack but we won't hold that against you Hot!
Melanine - Going Camping is code for Anal Sex Hot!
Minx - Blood curdlingHot!
Margo - Veronica Lake meets Elvira Hot!
Eerie - The woman is funny no matter what Jim says about her and she snorts Hot!
Roxy Shocks - So Hot that we talk about how Hot you are even when you're not there Hot!
Nana - Psychobilly Pink Bass Hot!

Anyway, I digress. We sat through the pain that was the video...and you could see the exact moment when I crapped my pants.

The Video also proved a fact from an earlier Blog...Burlesque is DEAD! Originality is the not allow yourselves to repeat a theme or idea you may have seen! FUCK!!

OK...busy week. Gotta rent them Bulls!

Until next time...


Blogger Doc Pop said...

Just to start some convo...

Do you think originality is somewhat overrated?

I mean people we know are always bitching about soemone stealing their routine, but their routine was just an improvement of those that came before them.

Simply having something new isn't the only important thing, you gotta have some charisma or talent to back it up.. and great hair.

You've got to have great hair. You know what I'm saying RJ.

9:41 AM  
Blogger RJ - the Big Magic Fungi said...

Originality is not just a new idea...but it can be your "ORIGINAL" take on a previous attempt. Take Magic...they are the same tricks! It takes a new presentation style and your own patter...then you can OWN it.

and yes...I know the importance of hair...that is why I am farming my back to do the ultimate combover!!!

11:06 AM  

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