This month's word...Serendipity!
1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck
Call it what you will...Serendipity...Kismet...Fate...Luck...Good Fortune...they all have roughly the same meaning.
That meaning has never been so evident to me than in the past few weeks.
(Cautionary Note - in the following lines I will wax poetic!)
As Bogie said, "...of all the gin joints in all the world..."
We all have our routines. Some of us get paid to put them on stage...some just muddle through them day in and day out just to someday achieve thier semblance of happiness. Of late, mine has been a combination of both. I love performing! I am an attention whore, I fully admit that. Any time I can get on a stage and find a vein to pump full of that syringe we call comedy...I am there! Unfortunately, not much has really inspired me to create new material. You know...the same shtick, different costume. One would say I had blinders a matter of fact, one did.
Then came the Bawdy Island Beach Party, Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at the DNA Lounge.
I had all the highest hopes for the show. The rehearsal the night before even led me to beleive that it was going to be better than usual. The band sounded tight...the acts that rehearsed were hot, etc... I was going to debut a new act from a character created in the previous version of this show plus try something I had never attempted...Piracy!
Now, this is not a review of the show, but rather a recolletion of events that led to a very serendipitous moment. As a matter of fact, the show only went to further a case I pointed out in a previous blog...Burlesque is DEAD!
Timelapse sequence...boobs, boobs, boobs, fat man slapping his stomach, boobs...etc.
The show is over...I am spent! I head outside for a much needed smoke.
Standing alone, on the curb...over my right shoulder a voice says, "don't stand there and smoke alone...come smoke with me". I turn and see a woman leaning against the wall. Very independent, very inviting. I join her...we chit chat. She is from Utah. Mormon jokes come spewing from my mouth. She snaps back that she is on a mission here. She's got SASS! We return inside.
She asks me to dance.
Now, for those of you who truly know me know that I DO NOT DANCE!
I leap to the dance floor controlled by this muse from Utah. "Twirl me". I do. "Dip me". I do
Completely Captivated!
We danced all night until her date wanted to leave. Date? What date? Oh yeah, that guy. See, I had selfishly overlooked the fact that she was there with two other people. Oh, I made nice...bought drinks...allowed him to try his best to outdance me, but completely wrote him off as a nebbish. She asks me to take her number and call her the next day..."I am going back to Utah on Friday". SHIT!!!!
Ok...that is the evening in a nutshell. Two random people from totally diferent walks of life. One night. One show. One cigarette. One dance. Serendipity!
"....of all the gin joints in all the world..."
(By the way, I called the next day. We had the best First Date in the history of Dating!)
More to come...