Thursday, March 29, 2007

Low Down on a Horrible Hoe Down

So I had a random, Mid-Afternoon gig today. I was hired to do a little magic at a company party in Richmond. Two hours...No Biggie!

It's a Cowboy themed, BBQ event. I show up...2:00pm and people are hammered...Budweiser mind you, but they are quite tipsy. Everyone is eating...frivolity is in the air. I start my shtick...hopping from group to group making my major modern miracles happen in the palms of the peoples wanting hands.

All is going so well, until...

The CEO walks up to the dais and taps the mic...then clears his throat. Visibly shaken, a tear rolls down his cheek. "You have all been Fantastic employees...that is why is kills me to say..."

The room is hushed....

"We are closing this all have 24 hours to clear out your personal spaces and vacate the premises...severance checks will be handed to you when you exit the building."

I was just like in M*A*S*H*, when Radar came in to announce that "Lt. Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan...there were no survivors".

Now...I have performed at thousands of events. I have NEVER had this happen.

To make matters worse...this happened at 3:00pm. I STILL HAD AN HOUR AND A HALF OF PERFORMING TO DO!!!

Needless to say, NO ONE was interested in seeing a Big, Fat Cowboy Magician pull a card from his crotch.
